Friday 25 January 2013

C++ Programming

C++ Programming

Learn to program in C++ with FREE online sample C++ programs, c++ tutorial & c++ programming examples

Program 1-A : : C++ Programming C++ Program to output an integer, a floating point number and a character.

Program 2-A : : C++ Programming C++ Program to find the sum, difference, product and quotient of two integers.

Program 3-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter two integers and find their sum and average.

Program 4-A : : C++ Programming
  Program to enter velocity, acceleration and time and print final velocity using the formula : v = u + a * t.

Program 5-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter your age and print if you should be in grade 10.

Program 6-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter an integer and print if it is greater or less than 100.

Program 7-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter the sale value and print the agent's commission.

Program 8-A : : C++ Programming Program to switch between different cases.

Program 9-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter the principal, rate & time and print the simple interest.

Program 10-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter an integer and print if it is prime or composite.

Program 11-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter a string and find its length.

Program 12-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter an integer and output the cube of that integer.

Program 13-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter an integer and print out its successor.

Program 14-A : : C++ Programming Program to draw 2 rectangles and fill 1 of them.

Program 15-A : : C++ Programming Program to draw circles.

Program 16-A : : C++ Programming Program to change the background colors on the screen.

Program 17-A : : C++ Programming Program to change the foreground colors and draw circles on the screen.

Program 18-A : : C++ Programming Program to write in different fonts on the screen.

Program 19-A : : C++ Programming Program to construct a 3-dimensional bar.

Program 20-A : : C++ Programming Program to plot pixels.

Program 21-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter two integers and print the quotient and remainder.

Program 22-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter an integer and find out if it is even or odd.

Program 23-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter three integers and output the biggest integer.

Program 24-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter three integers and output the biggest integer using IF.

Program 25-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter an integer and output its 15 multiples.

Program 26-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter the unit reading and output the customer's telephone bill.

Program 27-A : : C++ Programming Program to count the number of words and characters in a sentence.

Program 28-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter salary and output income tax and net salary.

Program 29-A : : C++ Programming Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.

Program 30-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter an integer and output it in the reversed form.

Program 31-A : : C++ Programming
  Program to enter an integer and print its total value based on the formula
'x - 1/3!x3 + 1/5!x5 - 1/7!x7 + 1/9!x9'.

Program 32-A : : C++ Programming
  Program to find the sum of each row & column of a matrix of size n x m and
if matrix is square, find the sum of the diagonals also..

Program 33-A : : C++ Programming Program to convert 2-digit octal number into binary number and print it.

Program 34-A : : C++ Programming Program to convert days into years and weeks.

Program 35-A : : C++ Programming Program to find the total days in the year till date.

Program 36-A : : C++ Programming Program to compute the fibonacci series.

Program 37-A : : C++ Programming Program to identify if an input is a symbol, digit or character.

Program 38-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter a letter and output the next 2 letters.

Program 39-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter a character and output its ASCII code.

Program 40-A : : C++ Programming Program to print the first 10 lines of pascal's triangle.

Program 41-A : : C++ Programming Program to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.

Program 42-A : : C++ Programming
  Program to enter a sentence and output the number of
uppercase & lowercase consonants, uppercase & lowercase vowels in sentence..

Program 43-A : : C++ Programming
  Program to enter 10 integers in a single-dimension array and then print out the array in ascending order.

Program 44-A : : C++ Programming Program to find the sum of either of the diagonals of a 4 x 4 matrix.

Program 45-A : : C++ Programming Program to enter three integers and output the smallest integer using IF.


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