Friday 25 January 2013

Tracing simple programs in C++

Tracing simple programs in C++

In this section, we will discuss the basic features of C++. Since both C++ and Pascal are procedural languages (i.e. programs written in these language specify how to do a task), Pascal will be used frequently in this section to describe some basic features of C++.
Although it is more appropriate to describe C++ as an object-oriented language, the object-oriented features will not be discussed here.
  1. A simple C++ program
  2. Data types, variables and variable assignment
  3. Constants and aliases
  4. Operators (Part 1)
  5. Operators (Part 2)
  6. Operators (Part 3)
  7. Precedence of operators
  8. Selection structures: if and if-else statements
  9. Selection structures: switch statement
  10. Repetition structures: while statement
  11. Repetition structures: do-while and for statement
  12. Unconditional branch
  13. One-dimensional arrays
  14. Character arrays
  15. Multi-dimensional arrays
  16. Records
  17. Functions


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