HTML Course - Free
The knowledge of HTML is the most important step for those who
want to build quality web pages.
- Here you will find tutorials, online lessons, examples, courses and resources that teach you HTML.
The HTML lessons in this course are free and are best suited for beginners in web development, who want to learn how to create Web pages manually, using the HTML language.
- Here you will find tutorials, online lessons, examples, courses and resources that teach you HTML.
The HTML lessons in this course are free and are best suited for beginners in web development, who want to learn how to create Web pages manually, using the HTML language.
HTML Lessons
1. Introduction
- A brief introduction about HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), a language used to create webpages. Some introductive presentations.
- A brief introduction about HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), a language used to create webpages. Some introductive presentations.
2. Basic HTML elements
- The main HTML elements, HEAD, TITLE, BODY, the general structure of a HTML document.
- The main HTML elements, HEAD, TITLE, BODY, the general structure of a HTML document.
3. Building and editing HTML webpage
- A lesson about how to build and edit a HTML webpage, using just a simple text editor.
- A lesson about how to build and edit a HTML webpage, using just a simple text editor.
4. HTML Headings and Comments
- What HTML Headings are, how to add headings, h1, h2, ... h6, and comments into an HTML document.
- What HTML Headings are, how to add headings, h1, h2, ... h6, and comments into an HTML document.
5. Paragraphs, Line break,
Horizontal rule
- HTML course, create Paragraphs, add Line break and Horizontal rule.
- HTML course, create Paragraphs, add Line break and Horizontal rule.
6. HTML Text Formatting
- Text Formatting - how to use FONT tag, its attributes: size, color; and other formatting tags to display text in various format: bold, italic, underline, strike, ... etc.
- Text Formatting - how to use FONT tag, its attributes: size, color; and other formatting tags to display text in various format: bold, italic, underline, strike, ... etc.
7. HTML Lists (UL,
- How to create unordered, ordered, and definition lists in a web page, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <dl> tags.
- How to create unordered, ordered, and definition lists in a web page, <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <dl> tags.
8. Adding images
- Adding images in a web page, attributes of the IMG tag, src, width, height, and others.
- Adding images in a web page, attributes of the IMG tag, src, width, height, and others.
10. Image Map
- Image Maps in HTML document, creating multiple areas and links in a single image-map. <map> and <area> tags.
- Image Maps in HTML document, creating multiple areas and links in a single image-map. <map> and <area> tags.
11. HTML Tables
- Working with Tables. Table elements and structure, rows, cols, thead, tbody, caption, and attributes (width, height, border, align, colspan, rowspan, ...).
- Working with Tables. Table elements and structure, rows, cols, thead, tbody, caption, and attributes (width, height, border, align, colspan, rowspan, ...).
12. Forms and Input
- How to create Forms, input fields, buttons, select list, checkboxes, textarea, and other form elements.
- How to create Forms, input fields, buttons, select list, checkboxes, textarea, and other form elements.
13. New Form elements and
attributes in HTML5
- New Form input types and attributes added in HTML5, date-pickers, number, range, email, url, search, color, datalist and other new elements.
- New Form input types and attributes added in HTML5, date-pickers, number, range, email, url, search, color, datalist and other new elements.
14. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets in
- Applying formatting using CSS - Cascading Style Sheets. Creating style rules in internal and external style sheet.
- Applying formatting using CSS - Cascading Style Sheets. Creating style rules in internal and external style sheet.
17. HTML Meta tags for search engines
- Meta tags used for page indexing optimization in search engines, content, description, keywords, author, alternate. Meta redirect.
- Meta tags used for page indexing optimization in search engines, content, description, keywords, author, alternate. Meta redirect.
18. HTML object and param
- How to embed media content (such as an image, Java applet, movie, audio, SWF Flash, PDF files, or even another HTML file) on a web page. Adding Param properties to <object>...</object>.
- How to embed media content (such as an image, Java applet, movie, audio, SWF Flash, PDF files, or even another HTML file) on a web page. Adding Param properties to <object>...</object>.
20. Colors - Codes and Names
- Colors in the web page, their hexadecimal and RGB Codes, combinations of red, green, blue, color Names.
- Colors in the web page, their hexadecimal and RGB Codes, combinations of red, green, blue, color Names.
21. HTML Symbol Entities
- Symbol Entities supported by HTML, mathematical symbols, Latin characters, Greek letters, other entities.
- Symbol Entities supported by HTML, mathematical symbols, Latin characters, Greek letters, other entities.
CSS Course - Free
This course teaches you the basics ofCascading Style Sheets, or CSS as it's commonly abbreviated.
CSS is a simple standardized syntax that gives web designers extensive control over the presentation of their web pages and is an essential component of web design today.
All you need is a simple text editor such as Notepad and a web browser, e.g. Mozilla Firefox, which is free.
CSS is a simple standardized syntax that gives web designers extensive control over the presentation of their web pages and is an essential component of web design today.
All you need is a simple text editor such as Notepad and a web browser, e.g. Mozilla Firefox, which is free.
CSS Lessons
1. Writing CSS code
- Writing CSS code, Cascading Style Sheets. Learn about CSS rules, Selectors, Properties and Values.
- Writing CSS code, Cascading Style Sheets. Learn about CSS rules, Selectors, Properties and Values.
2. Creating style sheets
- Creating style sheets in the HTML document and external css file, import style sheets, adds comments.
- Creating style sheets in the HTML document and external css file, import style sheets, adds comments.
3. Configuring Fonts
- Configuring Fonts, setting font type, size and font style, setting multiple values in a property.
- Configuring Fonts, setting font type, size and font style, setting multiple values in a property.
4. Configuring Text
- Configuring text, setting text properties, line and word spacing, letter spacing, text decoration, align, white space, shadow.
- Configuring text, setting text properties, line and word spacing, letter spacing, text decoration, align, white space, shadow.
5. Backgrounds
- Setting Backgrounds to HTML elements, background image, background properties: color, position.
- Setting Backgrounds to HTML elements, background image, background properties: color, position.
6. CSS Box Model
- CSS course - Box Model, content-box properties: margin, width, height, padding, Min and Max dimensions, overflow.
- CSS course - Box Model, content-box properties: margin, width, height, padding, Min and Max dimensions, overflow.
7. CSS
- Draw different line styles around elements with CSS border properties, sets border-color, border-style, border-width. Shorten the stylesheet code with border shorthand.
- Draw different line styles around elements with CSS border properties, sets border-color, border-style, border-width. Shorten the stylesheet code with border shorthand.
8. CSS
- Make the HTML element "stand out" with CSS outline properties, sets outline-color, outline-style, outline-width, outline shorthand.
- Make the HTML element "stand out" with CSS outline properties, sets outline-color, outline-style, outline-width, outline shorthand.
9. Display and Visibility
- Learn how to Display a HTML element: inline, block, or to hide its Visibility in the web page.
- Learn how to Display a HTML element: inline, block, or to hide its Visibility in the web page.
10. Positioning
- Use the CSS position property to set the position of HTML elements in the web page, fixed, absolute, relative, z-index.
- Use the CSS position property to set the position of HTML elements in the web page, fixed, absolute, relative, z-index.
11. CSS Float and Clear
- How to use the CSS float property to push the elements horizontally to the left or right. Use "clear" to stop the wrapping effect of the float.
- How to use the CSS float property to push the elements horizontally to the left or right. Use "clear" to stop the wrapping effect of the float.
12. Pseudo-classes
- How to use pseudo-classes to add special effects to some elements of the same selector or class. Various examples with pseudo-classes applied to selectors, classes and form fields.
- How to use pseudo-classes to add special effects to some elements of the same selector or class. Various examples with pseudo-classes applied to selectors, classes and form fields.
13. CSS Pseudo-elements
- Pseudo-elements (after, before, first-letter, first-line) to style certain aspects or parts of an element without introducing new markup or tags in the HTML document.
- Pseudo-elements (after, before, first-letter, first-line) to style certain aspects or parts of an element without introducing new markup or tags in the HTML document.
14. Cursor property - Custom
- How to control and create Custom Cursors with CSS, use images for cursor appearance.
- How to control and create Custom Cursors with CSS, use images for cursor appearance.
JavaScript Course -
Free Lessons
Welcome to this JavaScript course.
JavaScript is ubiquitous on the World Wide Web. You can use JavaScript to make your Web pages more interactive, so that they react to a viewer's actions, and to give your Web pages some special visual effects.
JavaScript allows you to add additional features that a static HTML page can't provide without some script code.
The JavaScript lessons of this course are free and a good start for beginners, they offer the necessary elements to learn the JavaScript programming language and working with JS code.
JavaScript is ubiquitous on the World Wide Web. You can use JavaScript to make your Web pages more interactive, so that they react to a viewer's actions, and to give your Web pages some special visual effects.
JavaScript allows you to add additional features that a static HTML page can't provide without some script code.
The JavaScript lessons of this course are free and a good start for beginners, they offer the necessary elements to learn the JavaScript programming language and working with JS code.
JavaScript Lessons
1. Introduction to JavaScript
- A brief introduction about JavaScript, a programming language used to create interactive webpages and web aplications.
- A brief introduction about JavaScript, a programming language used to create interactive webpages and web aplications.
2. JavaScript Syntax
- About JavaScript code and syntax. How to write and use a simple JS code in the HTML page and external file.
- About JavaScript code and syntax. How to write and use a simple JS code in the HTML page and external file.
3. Variables and Operators
- Understading and using variables and operators, the basics of programming.
- Understading and using variables and operators, the basics of programming.
4. JavaScript Operators
- JavaScript Operators, arithmetics, logicals, for strings, for functions, conditional operator, operators precedence.
- JavaScript Operators, arithmetics, logicals, for strings, for functions, conditional operator, operators precedence.
5. Conditional statements if,
else, switch
- This chapter begins by introducing you to conditional statements: if, else and switch. You will discover what they are and why they are useful to you in scripts.
- This chapter begins by introducing you to conditional statements: if, else and switch. You will discover what they are and why they are useful to you in scripts.
6. For loops
- The FOR loops: for ... in and for each ... in. Block of code that allows you to repeat a section of code a certain number of times.
- The FOR loops: for ... in and for each ... in. Block of code that allows you to repeat a section of code a certain number of times.
10. Functions - scope, arguments
and recursive
- Different ways to declare a function. About variable scope, arguments, nested and recursive functions.
- Different ways to declare a function. About variable scope, arguments, nested and recursive functions.
11. JavaScript Strings
- String object, creating and using strings in JavaScript. Properties and methods of the string object.
- String object, creating and using strings in JavaScript. Properties and methods of the string object.
12. JavaScript Arrays
- Array object, creating and using Arrays. Properties and methods of the array object. Moving through Array's elements.
- Array object, creating and using Arrays. Properties and methods of the array object. Moving through Array's elements.
13. Associative Arrays
- Creating and using Associative Arrays in JS, traversing and accesing elements of the associative array.
- Creating and using Associative Arrays in JS, traversing and accesing elements of the associative array.
14. The Number and Math Objects
- About the Number object. Perform various calculations and complex operations with the Math object. Properties and methods of the Number and Math objects.
- About the Number object. Perform various calculations and complex operations with the Math object. Properties and methods of the Number and Math objects.
15. Date Object
- JS Date object, set and get certain time values that you can use in your scripts. Properties and methods of the Date object.
- JS Date object, set and get certain time values that you can use in your scripts. Properties and methods of the Date object.
16. Global Object
- About Global object. Properties and methods (functions) of the Global object and a sample script example.
- About Global object. Properties and methods (functions) of the Global object and a sample script example.
17. JSON syntax in JavaScript
- Learn how to use JSON syntax, to create array and objects using JSON format.
- Learn how to use JSON syntax, to create array and objects using JSON format.
18. Convert JSON in JavaScript
- Convert strings with data in JSON format to a JavaScript object, convert JS objects to JSON string.
- Convert strings with data in JSON format to a JavaScript object, convert JS objects to JSON string.
19. Window Object
- An Introduction to the Window Object. Properties and methods of the Window object and some examples.
- An Introduction to the Window Object. Properties and methods of the Window object and some examples.
20. Document Object - DOM
- DOM, Document Object Model, accessing and using the DOM with JavaScript. Document object properties and methods.
- DOM, Document Object Model, accessing and using the DOM with JavaScript. Document object properties and methods.
21. Document object and Forms
- Document Object and Forms. How to access and change the data from input form fields using DOM hierarchy.
- Document Object and Forms. How to access and change the data from input form fields using DOM hierarchy.
22. navigator and history objects
- Level one JS browser objects: navigator, history. Properties, methods and examples.
- Level one JS browser objects: navigator, history. Properties, methods and examples.
23. location and screen objects
- JavaScript course - Other JS browser objects: location, screen. Properties, methods and examples.
- JavaScript course - Other JS browser objects: location, screen. Properties, methods and examples.
24. anchor
and link object
- JS HTML DOM objects, anchor and link; represent an HTML hyperlin tag. Properties, methods and examples.
- JS HTML DOM objects, anchor and link; represent an HTML hyperlin tag. Properties, methods and examples.
25. Form, text, textarea, file objects
- Properties, methods and events of the form object and some of its sub-objects: text, password, hidden, textarea and file.
- Properties, methods and events of the form object and some of its sub-objects: text, password, hidden, textarea and file.
26. Buttons, Checkbox,
Radio, Select, Option objects
- Otfer form sub-objects: Buttons, Checkbox, Radio, Select, Option. Properties, methods and events of these JS objects.
- Otfer form sub-objects: Buttons, Checkbox, Radio, Select, Option. Properties, methods and events of these JS objects.
27. JavaScript Events
- Adding events in the HTML page. Examples and a list with JS Events for window, mouse, form elements and keyboard.
- Adding events in the HTML page. Examples and a list with JS Events for window, mouse, form elements and keyboard.
28. Register event handlers
and Detect events
- How to Register event handlers and Detect events in JS, addEventListener method.
- How to Register event handlers and Detect events in JS, addEventListener method.
29. Image object
- JS Image object. Creating simple image effects using properties and methods of the Image object, preloading images.
- JS Image object. Creating simple image effects using properties and methods of the Image object, preloading images.
30. Frame / IFrame object
- Properties of the Frame and IFrame object. Accesing frame elements, frame navigation.
- Properties of the Frame and IFrame object. Accesing frame elements, frame navigation.
31. Cookies
- Using Cookies, creating, reading and deleting cookies. Working in JavaScript with data from cookie.
- Using Cookies, creating, reading and deleting cookies. Working in JavaScript with data from cookie.
32. Working with getElementById
- Working with getElementById. How to use the getElementById DOM method to get and set data in the HTML document.
- Working with getElementById. How to use the getElementById DOM method to get and set data in the HTML document.
33. Working with getElementsByTagName
- Working with getElementsByTagName. How to use the getElementsByTagName JS DOM method with HTML tags..
- Working with getElementsByTagName. How to use the getElementsByTagName JS DOM method with HTML tags..
34. querySelector and
- querySelector() and querySelectorAll(), two JavaScript functions very useful when working with HTML elements in JS.
- querySelector() and querySelectorAll(), two JavaScript functions very useful when working with HTML elements in JS.
35. createElement and insertBefore
- Using createElement and insertBefore JavaScript methods to Create and to add HTML elements in the web page.
- Using createElement and insertBefore JavaScript methods to Create and to add HTML elements in the web page.
36. JavaScript code and PHP
- Learn how to combine JavaScript code with PHP, to create JS scripts that use server side data.
- Learn how to combine JavaScript code with PHP, to create JS scripts that use server side data.
37. Creating and using classes
in JavaScript
- This lesson shows how to create, and use classes in JavaScript, with own properties and methods.
- This lesson shows how to create, and use classes in JavaScript, with own properties and methods.
PHP programming and
MySQL database
PHP is an open source, server-side web-scripting language that is
compatible with all the major web servers (most notably Apache) and databases.
By the help of PHP code you can create dynamic website content. Dynamic Web sites are flexible applications than merely sites.
If you know HTML, but you have no experience in the field of programming, you can easily learn PHP and MySQL with the help of this course.
This course starts from the most simple, explaining the operations of the PHP language, and then move on to detail how to create PHP programs, how to load the PHP scripts, and to the final approach more complex items, such as SQL commands, working with MySQL database, using classes and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in PHP.
The tutorials covered in this course approach in an easy and intuitive manner with numerous examples that make it easier and more understanding to learn PHP.
By the help of PHP code you can create dynamic website content. Dynamic Web sites are flexible applications than merely sites.
If you know HTML, but you have no experience in the field of programming, you can easily learn PHP and MySQL with the help of this course.
This course starts from the most simple, explaining the operations of the PHP language, and then move on to detail how to create PHP programs, how to load the PHP scripts, and to the final approach more complex items, such as SQL commands, working with MySQL database, using classes and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) in PHP.
The tutorials covered in this course approach in an easy and intuitive manner with numerous examples that make it easier and more understanding to learn PHP.
Lessons index
PHP Basic
1. Writing PHP scripts
- Writing PHP scripts, learn about PHP code structure, how to write and execute a simple PHP script and to add comments within your code.
2. Variables and Data Types
- Learn about Variables, values and Data Types in PHP: boolean, integer, float, string, array, object, Resource, null.
3. Numbers and mathematical 0perators
- Introducing Numbers and mathematical 0perators, some PHP functions for more complex operations with numbers.
4. PHP Strings
- Working with strings, using simple and double quotes, escaping quotes and other characters, concatenating strings, some functions for strings.
5. Constants
- Introducing Constants, syntax for defining constants, differences between variables and defined constants.
6. Superglobal $_SERVER Array
- Get information such as headers, paths, and script locations by using elements from Superglobal $_SERVER Array.
7. PHP Error Handling and Debugging
- PHP MySQL course - Error Handling, debugging and trigger errors and how to adjust the level of error reporting, handling exceptions.
8. If ... Else conditionals, Comparative and Logical operators
- Make PHP script takes decisions with If, Else, Elseif conditional statements. Compare two values with Comparative and Logical operators. The ternary operator.
9. Using HTML Forms
- Using HTML Forms, PHP form handling, get data sent from form fields through GET and POST method, form validation.
10. $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST Variables
- How to send data with get and post methods to a PHP script and access it with superglobal $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST variables.
11. Switch ... Case ...
- PHP MySQL course - Switch ... Case ... conditional statement, switch with break and default instructions.
12. While Loops
- Using While and Do Wile Loops. End the While loops with the break instruction. Syntax and examples.
13. For and Foreach Loops
- Using for() and foreach() Loops. End the "For" loops with the break instruction. Syntax and examples.
14. PHP Arrays
- Creating Numeric (indexed) Arrays and Associative arrays. Accessing, modifying and traversing array elements.
15. Multidimensional arrays and array functions
- Creating and working with multidimensional arrays, some array functions, traversing and sorting multidimensional array elements.
16. PHP functions
- Creating and using your own functions with or without parameters, calling functions, the return statement, recursive functions.
17. Functions, Variable scope and Passing by Reference
- Variable scope and Functions. Using GLOBAL and STATIC variables, passing variables by Reference.
- Writing PHP scripts, learn about PHP code structure, how to write and execute a simple PHP script and to add comments within your code.
2. Variables and Data Types
- Learn about Variables, values and Data Types in PHP: boolean, integer, float, string, array, object, Resource, null.
3. Numbers and mathematical 0perators
- Introducing Numbers and mathematical 0perators, some PHP functions for more complex operations with numbers.
4. PHP Strings
- Working with strings, using simple and double quotes, escaping quotes and other characters, concatenating strings, some functions for strings.
5. Constants
- Introducing Constants, syntax for defining constants, differences between variables and defined constants.
6. Superglobal $_SERVER Array
- Get information such as headers, paths, and script locations by using elements from Superglobal $_SERVER Array.
7. PHP Error Handling and Debugging
- PHP MySQL course - Error Handling, debugging and trigger errors and how to adjust the level of error reporting, handling exceptions.
8. If ... Else conditionals, Comparative and Logical operators
- Make PHP script takes decisions with If, Else, Elseif conditional statements. Compare two values with Comparative and Logical operators. The ternary operator.
9. Using HTML Forms
- Using HTML Forms, PHP form handling, get data sent from form fields through GET and POST method, form validation.
10. $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST Variables
- How to send data with get and post methods to a PHP script and access it with superglobal $_GET, $_POST and $_REQUEST variables.
11. Switch ... Case ...
- PHP MySQL course - Switch ... Case ... conditional statement, switch with break and default instructions.
12. While Loops
- Using While and Do Wile Loops. End the While loops with the break instruction. Syntax and examples.
13. For and Foreach Loops
- Using for() and foreach() Loops. End the "For" loops with the break instruction. Syntax and examples.
14. PHP Arrays
- Creating Numeric (indexed) Arrays and Associative arrays. Accessing, modifying and traversing array elements.
15. Multidimensional arrays and array functions
- Creating and working with multidimensional arrays, some array functions, traversing and sorting multidimensional array elements.
16. PHP functions
- Creating and using your own functions with or without parameters, calling functions, the return statement, recursive functions.
17. Functions, Variable scope and Passing by Reference
- Variable scope and Functions. Using GLOBAL and STATIC variables, passing variables by Reference.
PHP Anonymous functions - Closures
- About Anonymous Functions, also known as Closures, how to create and use closures.
19. Include and Require
- Insert the content of external files into a PHP file with Include and Require functions, include_once, require_once.
20. File Handling with fopen
- File Handling with fopen(), create new file, write and read text file content with fopen(), fwrite(), fread() and fgets() functions. Moving the internal pointer, rewind() and fseek().
21. File Upload
- This lesson shows how to upload files on the server, with PHP and an HTML form. Uploading files script.
22. Exploring Folders
- Exploring the Folder system, creating folders with PHP, reading a directory content. Get information about a file path.
23. Cookies
- Setting and accesing cookies with PHP, retrieve a Cookie value, deleting cookies.
24. Sessions
- Setting and handling Session variables. Accessing and deleting session, destroy sessions. Store encrypted data in sessions.
25. RegExp - Regular Expressions
- RegExp patterns - Regular Expressions. Examples with preg_match, preg_match_all, and preg_replace functions for string matching and string substituting operations.
26. Date and Time
- Date and Time functions, handle date and time information, UNIX timestamp, set and get time values.
27. DateTime and DateTimeZone classes
- Handle date and time information with PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone classes and objects, reset /change Timezone, get the difference between two dates.
28. Sending E-mails
- Sending E-mails, mail() function. Create a mail contact form script, validate e-mail address, filter input email data, and add the "From", "Conten-Type" (utf-8), and "Reply-To" headers in the email.
- About Anonymous Functions, also known as Closures, how to create and use closures.
19. Include and Require
- Insert the content of external files into a PHP file with Include and Require functions, include_once, require_once.
20. File Handling with fopen
- File Handling with fopen(), create new file, write and read text file content with fopen(), fwrite(), fread() and fgets() functions. Moving the internal pointer, rewind() and fseek().
21. File Upload
- This lesson shows how to upload files on the server, with PHP and an HTML form. Uploading files script.
22. Exploring Folders
- Exploring the Folder system, creating folders with PHP, reading a directory content. Get information about a file path.
23. Cookies
- Setting and accesing cookies with PHP, retrieve a Cookie value, deleting cookies.
24. Sessions
- Setting and handling Session variables. Accessing and deleting session, destroy sessions. Store encrypted data in sessions.
25. RegExp - Regular Expressions
- RegExp patterns - Regular Expressions. Examples with preg_match, preg_match_all, and preg_replace functions for string matching and string substituting operations.
26. Date and Time
- Date and Time functions, handle date and time information, UNIX timestamp, set and get time values.
27. DateTime and DateTimeZone classes
- Handle date and time information with PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone classes and objects, reset /change Timezone, get the difference between two dates.
28. Sending E-mails
- Sending E-mails, mail() function. Create a mail contact form script, validate e-mail address, filter input email data, and add the "From", "Conten-Type" (utf-8), and "Reply-To" headers in the email.
PHP MySQL Introduction, Data Types
- PHP MySQL Introduction, database structure, tables. MySQL naming rules, and column's data types.
30. PHP MySQL - using MySQLi
- Using MySQLi object-oriented (MySQL Improved) to connect to MySQL server. Perform SQL queries to create a database and tables.
- Insert data in MySQL table with MySQLi object, INSERT INTO query. Get the auto ID from the last INSERT query with insert_id() method. Insert data from a form into a database.
- Retrieve and display data from a MySQL table, SELECT SQL command. Determine the number of records to return with the LIMIT option. Sort query results with ORDER BY clause (ASC and DESC).
- Selecting specific data from a database with the WHERE clause and Conditionals. Check for string matching with LIKE and NOT LIKE terms.
- UPDATE query to edit / change existing records in MySQL table.
- The DELETE statement, used to entirely remove records from a database table.
36. MySQL Aliases and Functions
- Using MySQL Aliases and functions, text, numeric / mathematical, and date and time functions.
- PHP MySQL Introduction, database structure, tables. MySQL naming rules, and column's data types.
30. PHP MySQL - using MySQLi
- Using MySQLi object-oriented (MySQL Improved) to connect to MySQL server. Perform SQL queries to create a database and tables.
- Insert data in MySQL table with MySQLi object, INSERT INTO query. Get the auto ID from the last INSERT query with insert_id() method. Insert data from a form into a database.
- Retrieve and display data from a MySQL table, SELECT SQL command. Determine the number of records to return with the LIMIT option. Sort query results with ORDER BY clause (ASC and DESC).
- Selecting specific data from a database with the WHERE clause and Conditionals. Check for string matching with LIKE and NOT LIKE terms.
- UPDATE query to edit / change existing records in MySQL table.
- The DELETE statement, used to entirely remove records from a database table.
36. MySQL Aliases and Functions
- Using MySQL Aliases and functions, text, numeric / mathematical, and date and time functions.
37. PHP PDO - Introduction and Connecting to Databases
- Introduction to PHP PDO, Connecting to various databases, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, MS-Access.
- Using the exec() method to perform MySQL query, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
39. PHP PDO - Select query, fetch
- Select data in a MySQL table using the PDO query method, and FETCH constants.
40. PHP PDO - prepare and execute
- How to use the prepare() and execute() methods to perform SQL queries, bindParam, and bindValue.
41. PHP PDO - setAttribute, beginTransaction and commit
- setAttribute(), beginTransaction(), and commit(). Determine how to handle the errors, and execute multiple different SQL queries.
- Introduction to PHP PDO, Connecting to various databases, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, MS-Access.
- Using the exec() method to perform MySQL query, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
39. PHP PDO - Select query, fetch
- Select data in a MySQL table using the PDO query method, and FETCH constants.
40. PHP PDO - prepare and execute
- How to use the prepare() and execute() methods to perform SQL queries, bindParam, and bindValue.
41. PHP PDO - setAttribute, beginTransaction and commit
- setAttribute(), beginTransaction(), and commit(). Determine how to handle the errors, and execute multiple different SQL queries.
Classes and Objects
OOP - Creating Classes and Objects
- OOP (object-oriented programming), creating classes and objects. Setting properties and methods in a class, with public, private or protected attribute. Instantiate an object of a class.
43. OOP - Constructor Method
- Creating classes with a Constructor Method, __construct(). Setting optional parameters in a constructor method.
44. PHP OOP - Accessor and Destructor methods
- How to use Accessor methods to set and get property values, defining Destructor methods. PHP functions for checking data type.
45. OOP - Constants, Static Properties and Methods
- Defining and accessing class Constants, Static Properties and Static Methods.
46. OOP - Inheritance, class extends
- Inheritance, learn how to extend a class, create subclasses (child classes) that inherit all of the public and protected methods from a parent class. Overriding methods.
47. OOP - Final Classes and Methods
- OOP - Final Classes and Methods, how to create a class that cannot be extended, and methods that cannot be overridden.
48. Magic Methods __get, __set, __call, __toString
- About Magic (or interceptor) Methods and their utility in classes, __get, __set, __call, __toString.
49. OOP - Abstract classes
- Creating Abstract classes and methods, extends an abstract class.
50. PHP OOP - Interfaces
- Interface, a special class used like a template for classes, defines the methods required in a group of similar classes.
51. Functions with Object and Array arguments
- How to set functions to accept only certain data type for its parameters, Object and Array arguments.
- OOP (object-oriented programming), creating classes and objects. Setting properties and methods in a class, with public, private or protected attribute. Instantiate an object of a class.
43. OOP - Constructor Method
- Creating classes with a Constructor Method, __construct(). Setting optional parameters in a constructor method.
44. PHP OOP - Accessor and Destructor methods
- How to use Accessor methods to set and get property values, defining Destructor methods. PHP functions for checking data type.
45. OOP - Constants, Static Properties and Methods
- Defining and accessing class Constants, Static Properties and Static Methods.
46. OOP - Inheritance, class extends
- Inheritance, learn how to extend a class, create subclasses (child classes) that inherit all of the public and protected methods from a parent class. Overriding methods.
47. OOP - Final Classes and Methods
- OOP - Final Classes and Methods, how to create a class that cannot be extended, and methods that cannot be overridden.
48. Magic Methods __get, __set, __call, __toString
- About Magic (or interceptor) Methods and their utility in classes, __get, __set, __call, __toString.
49. OOP - Abstract classes
- Creating Abstract classes and methods, extends an abstract class.
50. PHP OOP - Interfaces
- Interface, a special class used like a template for classes, defines the methods required in a group of similar classes.
51. Functions with Object and Array arguments
- How to set functions to accept only certain data type for its parameters, Object and Array arguments.
DOMDocument - HTML
52. getElementById and getElementsByTagName
- Learn how to get HTML elements from a HTML document using getElementById() and getElementsByTagName(), methods of the DOMDocument class.
53. Working with HTML attributes in PHP
- Learn how to use the functions of the DOMElement class to read, set and remove attributes in HTML elements; getAttribute(), hasAttribute(), setAttribute(), and removeAttribute().
- Learn how to get HTML elements from a HTML document using getElementById() and getElementsByTagName(), methods of the DOMDocument class.
53. Working with HTML attributes in PHP
- Learn how to use the functions of the DOMElement class to read, set and remove attributes in HTML elements; getAttribute(), hasAttribute(), setAttribute(), and removeAttribute().
XML Documents
- XML Documents, a brief introduction of initiation, the syntax and structure of an XML document. XML and DTD (Document Type Definition).
- Creating XML documents with PHP XML DOM (Document Object Model), DomDocument object, read and modify data in XML documents.
56. SimpleXML
- PHP MySQL course - Using the SimpleXML functions to read and modify XML content.
- XML Documents, a brief introduction of initiation, the syntax and structure of an XML document. XML and DTD (Document Type Definition).
- Creating XML documents with PHP XML DOM (Document Object Model), DomDocument object, read and modify data in XML documents.
56. SimpleXML
- PHP MySQL course - Using the SimpleXML functions to read and modify XML content.
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